Our Spirit Animal


You Can’t Reach The Summit Alone

We strive to embody the spirit of the Alpaca.

Beyond their charming and quirky good looks, Alpacas are the steady partner needed for the explorer on a journey, providing all of the tools needed to successfully make the climb to the top.

Some symbolic meanings behind the Alpaca are Action, Adaptability, Balance, Diligence, Duty, Fortitude, Movement, Patience, and Stamina.   

At Care Sherpa we apply these principles to our clients and the patients which they serve. In our service, we are the alpaca, leading and guiding with the same strengths that the spunky yet gentle animal symbolizes. We use the alpaca image to remind ourselves how important these values are in ourselves and in the work that we do. Not to mention, they are terribly cute.

We welcome you to join us by becoming a member of our Alpaca Pac.


Our Alpaca Pac